
Best Colleges  U.S. News & World Report -  US News & World Report ranks over 1600 schools each year in many different categories. You can also search schools with your own criteria.

College Board - At the College Board, you can:

  • Find information on College Board Tests
  • Plan for college
  • Find and compare colleges
  • Get help with the application process
  • Find out about financial aid - College Toolkit can help you with every step of the college admissions process, from picking the right college to paying for your education to researching majors.

FAFSA on the Web - Find out about eligibility, fill out a form online, and follow up to check status or make corrections.

FinAid  Financial aid information online - The SmartStudent guide to all types of financial aid is informative, comprehensive, and objective.

Learning Express - Take practice tests to gain confidence and overcome test anxiety! Math and reading skills, SAT, PSAT, AP, CLEP, GRE, ASVAB, GED, EMT, US Citizenship, more!

NHHEAF - The NHHEAF Network Organizations is NH's source of knowledge for everything college; providing free college planning assistance and state-of-the-art service to NH's students and parents!

Peterson's - Chock full of information about schools, majors, college culture, financial aid and more. - This site offers loads of information about 529 plans, Coverdells and other college savings tools. The site is packed with free calculators, guides, information sheets. There is some subscription content but the free content is worth exploring

Study Guide Zone - A free site that offers study guides, practice tests, flash cards and more for SAT, CLEP, GED, and ACT tests. They alos provide a comprehensive college guide with tips for admission, essay writing, and financial aid.


College Board's FUND FINDER - The College Board's FUND FINDER scholarship database lists scholarships and other types of financial aid programs from 3,300 national, state, public and private sources. The database is updated annually.

Fastweb - The FastWeb Scholarship Search is the largest, most accurate and most popular free scholarship search site, with more than 35 million registered users. It is also the most frequently updated and provides automatic email notification of new scholarships that match the student's profile. The FastWeb Scholarship Search was the first scholarship database available for free on the web and is the most innovative and student-focused of all the scholarship search sites.

Local Scholarships (look for updates in the New Year) - A comprehensive list of scholarships available to Windham residents. This page is updated as we receive new contact, deadline, and submission information each spring.

Windham Endowment for Community Advancement Scholarships - A list of Community scholarships available through the Windham Endowment LLC - The database has good coverage of awards and a fairly precise match, but some of the scholarship entries in the database appear to contain old information.

Windham Dollars for Scholars

Ms. Julie Lichtmann
603-537-2400 X 7203

Windham High School Boosters - The award criteria and application forms for these awards may be found online at: