Need a place to meet or study?
Nesmith Library offers a variety of spaces to suit your needs, all available on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop at the front desk to check in to use one of these spaces.
- Meeting Rooms: We have two meeting rooms that can be used for up to two hours at a time—perfect for small group discussions, study sessions, or meetings.
- Study Pods: Four study pods are located throughout the library, providing a quiet space for an individual or two to study. These can also be used for up to two hours at a time.
- Large Tables: Five spacious tables are available for studying, reading, or collaborative work.
- Study Carrels: For those seeking to work solo, we offer two study carrels designed for focused, individual work.
Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the library. Visit us and find the perfect space to get things done!
Please note that while we strive to provide a welcoming environment for reading, studying, and collaboration, Nesmith Library is a community space rather than a quiet space. You may hear conversation, programs, or other activity during your visit. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to explore our study areas to find the best spot for your needs!
Multipurpose Room
The Multipurpose Room in Nesmith Library was designed to serve a variety of functions. Primary among these is to facilitate the activities and programs of the Library and the Friends of the Library of Windham. The room may also be used for general public use, subject to the following:
- Available by reservation to Windham governmental departments, Windham non-profit organizations, Windham community groups, and Windham clubs that are engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual and/or charitable activities.
- Not available for private gatherings, money raising activities, commercial purpose, or for the benefit of private individuals. Any program held in the room must be free of charge and open to the public.
- All other restrictions listed in the Multipurpose Meeting Room Policy found on our Policy page, and a completed Multipurpose Room Agreement Form submitted to the library, and approval by the Director or Assistant Director.
Bulletin Boards and Displays
To address the role of the Library as a community activities and information center, designated bulletin board, display and other areas are open to organizations or individuals engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable activities that would be of interest to the members of the Windham community:
- Bulletin board space is available in the Library foyer for the display of notices and posters.
- Space within the Library may be available for the distribution of free materials, for example flyers, which contain information of potential use to Windham residents.
- The display case near the front door, and other spaces, may be available to set up a display or an exhibition. A Windham organization or individual must complete a “Display and Exhibit Request and Release Form."
- Please Note: Materials promoting programs or projects of a personal or commercial nature will not be approved/posted.
Not all requests for use of Library space will be able to be honored. For a complete understanding of the purposes, restrictions, and requirements for the use of Library space, please read the Community Activities & Information Center Policy.
All items placed in the library for display or exhibit are done so at the risk of the individual or sponsoring organization.
The use of the Nesmith Library for display or exhibit does not imply advocacy or endorsement by the Nesmith Library or the Town of Windham.
Updated March 8, 2025.