Award-winning filmmaker, Ben Wickey, screened his animated short, “The House of the Seven Gables,” based on the novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Clocking in at about 30 minutes, this film won Best Adaptation at the 2018 H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival, and was an Official Selection at 5 additional film festivals that year. In addition, it was awarded the Best Animated Horror Short from the Hollywood Investigator’s Tabloid Witch Awards, where it was noted, “The professionalism and artistry demonstrated in The House of the Seven Gables is all the more remarkable because Wickey submits it as a student film. (He is a recent graduate of the California Institute of the Arts.) If this is his skill level upon graduation, he should have a promising career ahead of him.” ( Indeed, Ben is currently an animator on the upcoming feature film, The Last Days of Edward Gorey.
Ben sums up his film as follows, “Haunted by the dark days of witchcraft hysteria in New England, the Pyncheon family endeavors to lift a family curse and find buried treasure before ghostly terror can once more strike.” View a mini-trailer on YouTube. After the film, Ben hosted a question and answer period, and shared props and sets from the production.